Monthly Archives: June 2016

Great Commission in Local Languages(How)

This is just a place holder for ideas. This information can be used to witness to anyone and any group.

I am staying in North India, where most are Hindi speaking people, below is the tract I made got some ideas from the net, this can be shared in place where people are(in metro’s, buses, any mode of transport), anyplace where my neighbor is(the person sitting next to you).

The text above was taken from this link.

परमेश्*वर का बहुमूल्*यतम उपहार

Here is the english text using google translate.

Google Translate

Links for tracts and witnessing.

Here is the link to the word document.


Document in pdf below.


More Tracts

You can get more by doing a search yourself.

Tools you can use to Make your own tracts.

If you find some good texts for tracts, you can use the tools below to make your own tract.

To translate from one language to another.

Google Translate

english to hindi converter using google for hindi typing in English. This can be used for any language.

Try the Cloud Input Tools online – Cloud – Google Input Tools

Example of tract made this way.


Praying for the nation.



Praying for the world.

Pray regularly for your nation or region as a church

Joshua march through the nations | Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

Praying for North India, Middle East and the persecuted nations. | Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

Joshua march(Jericho Prayer) through the places in India. | Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

Pray that our nations may not become like Sodom and Gomorrah. | Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

Are you a doer or a watcher in the Kingdom of God ? |Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

Videos on Witnessing and the Great Commision.

Witness Hindus Playlist

Witness Buddhist  Playlist

Witness Atheist Playlist

Witness Secret Societies Playlist

Witness Muslims Playlist

Everyday Evangelization work.

Planning for the Great Commission(Outreach) for a city, and nearby villages.

Praying and giving for the healing salvation and restoration of those in need.

Help in Prayer.

Sermons on the books of the bible

Sermons on the books of the bible | Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

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This was posted to the churches in Pakistan.
Dear Believers of churches in Pakistan,
Greetings in the precious name of our Good Lord Jesus Christ. I believe many of you know Hindi. There is a site for different sermons of the different books on the bible in Hindi, as given below.
This is freely available and can be readily , used for telling about Jesus as written in the scriptures to our non-Christian friends, and to prepare for the Word of God in the church.
It would have been better if we could work towards a site for sermons on the different books of the bible for middle eastern languages, e.g. Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Berber, Kurdish, Urdu.

I believe and hope that God will work towards bringing the gospel to the world, and specially to the middle-eastern nations.
Thanks and Regards
A believer in Christ.
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What are other things can we do to bring the gospel to the world, and specially to the middle-eastern nations.
1) To bring messages from the books of the bible, through all forms of communication e.g. Radio/Television/Satellite/Internet.
2) To help persecuted Christians, praying for them, reaching out to them, through letters, cards and other means of communication, empowering them, to support other persecuted Christians.

Replies on the sermon of the books of the Bible. | Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

Replies on the sermon of the books of the Bible.

I would like to share one of the replies received.
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Thank you dear believer for sharing this with us.
I have forwarded it on to our believers in Pakistan and other nations, and we join with you in praying for the establishment of a site in the languages of the Middle East and for God to open up any ways for the gospel to penetrate these nations.
Yours in His service,
<Name Withheld>

“…May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them…” (John 17:23)
—– Original Message —–
Name*: A believer
Subject*: Sermons on the books of the bible
Message*: Dear Believers of churches in Pakistan,Greetings in the precious name of our Good Lord Jesus Christ. I believe many of you know Hindi. There is a site for different sermons of the different books on the bible in Hindi, as given

This is freely available and can be readily , used for telling about Jesus as written in the scriptures to our non-Christian friends, and to prepare for the Word of God in the church.

It would have been better if we could work towards a site for sermons on the different books of the bible for middle eastern languages, e.g. Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Berber, Kurdish, Urdu.

I believe and hope that God will work towards bringing the gospel to the world, and specially to the middle-eastern nations.

Thanks and Regards
A believer in Christ.

The above has the important points made in the entire conversation below.